Plants are a Thing!

Nature by Design Plant Shop Entry Way
Tropical Houseplants w/ a Collection of Pots & Accessories
Showcase Room with House Plants
Experience Plants in Showcase Rooms
Nature by Design Plants - Showcase Room with Tropical Plants
Showcase Room with Tropical Houseplants and More…

Welcome to our Plant Shop!

Tropical Houseplants

We offer a selection of Houseplants in Various Types and Sizes. You can find them in Decorative Pots, Glass Planters or in Nursery Pots.

Plant Pots & Supplies

Setting your Houseplant in the Right Pot makes all the Difference. We offer a Selection of Planters and Supplies to get you Started.

Decor & Accessories

We offer Decorative Options for your Home and to Accomodate your Greener Side. Take a peek at some of the choices we have selected. You might find something you like.

Houseplants & Terrariums 9-30-2021
Various Potted Houseplants
Nature by Design - Propagation Station
Cute Little Propagation Stations (Shown with Pothos Cuttings)
Nature by Design Showcase Room
Want Beautiful Houseplants? Stage Your Space to Your Own Design!

Nature By Design

12156 SW Garden Pl. Tigard OR 97223

(503) 863-7857

Visit us on Facebook – Nature By Design

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